
Today was more interesting than last week. There were no frustrating encounters.

Today was more interesting than last week. There were no frustrating encounters.

Student needs a general book on speech pathology.
     Searched for speech and pathology keyword in OPAC
     Found a topical journal
     Browsed the subject heading Speech therapy.
     Found several introductory books
Student cannot email an EBSCOhost article to himself — needed to add the to his email address
Students needs to find an article in The Journal of American History published in the past twenty years on something that happened before 1877.
     Searched America: History and Life, limiting to journal and using keywords for pre-1877 events
Do you have Consumer Reports?
Student needs a general book on geography
Where are the PS books?
Another student with the history assignment
Student needs a book on positivist sociology – searched for positivism and sociology keywords in OPAC
How do I print from library computers?
Student needs old tests professor put on reserve
