community site for usage statistics

Usus is an independent community website developed to help librarians, library consortium administrators, publishers, aggregators, etc. communicate around topics related to usage statistics. From problem-solving to workflow tips to calling out bad actors, this site hopes to be the hub of all things usage.

Do you have news to share or a problem you can’t figure out? Do you have really cool workflows you want to share? Drop us a note!

Swets mess…

Bound Journals
“Bound Journals” by diylibrarian

Ten years later, I’m glad I made the decision not long after posting this to move that library’s subscriptions to EBSCO. I’m concerned that the serials subscription agent industry continues to shrink, but then again, so much of what they used to do is going away and customers are having to handle subscription problems on their own in the age of licensed online content. Maybe this is the beginning of a shift in the industry?
