Speakers: Darlene Fitcher & Frank Cervone
- SafeCache – prevents applications from accessing your browser cache
- SafeHistory -prevents applications from viewing browser history
- FoxMarks – automatically synchronizes bookmarks
- Firefox Environment Backup Extension – synchronize between computers, including other preference settings
Other web tools for collaboration:
- Meebo Chat Widget – IM chat for reference; good on the null search page of a OPAC and everywhere else
- LinkBunch – put multiple links into one small link
- DocSyncer – sync docs on local machine to Google Docs (this means everything)
- twhirl – microblogging or keeping tabs on what colleagues are doing
- polldaddy – put a poll on your website
- VisCheck – check the colors on your website for various color blindness compatibilities
- Feng GUI – alternate to eye-tracking
- Browsershots – creates screenshots in different browsers
- Flickr Photo badge – photos from your library’s photo stream
- Photoshop Express – free online photo editor
- AddThis – button that allows users to bookmark or share pages; also provides stats on use
- Google Countdown – widget for announcing events
- Altavista Bablefish site translator – translate your pages on the fly
- ProcessTamer – keep tabs on processes that bog down your computer
- File Hamster – keep track of versions of files w/out having to use MS
- Syncback Freeware – backup files, scheduler for automating, synchronization, machine to machine via ftp
- LinkExtractor
- reCaptcha – “stop spam. read books.” using captcha to clean up OCR scanning
- Anonymouse – check if resources are secure outside of IP range or for privacy
- Prism – use web applications as a local client
- Widgetbox
- Google Gadgets
- past presentations
- LOLinator
[will add missing URLs later when I have more reliable connection]
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