calling all serialists

Serials librarians, electronic resources librarians, reference librarians, catalog librarians, publishers, database vendors, subscription agents, and anyone else interested in serials: Listen up, this one’s for you. The 2006 NASIG conference will be in Denver, and the Program Planning Committee has put out a call for proposals and ideas. If you have something to contribute to … Continue reading “calling all serialists”

Serials librarians, electronic resources librarians, reference librarians, catalog librarians, publishers, database vendors, subscription agents, and anyone else interested in serials: Listen up, this one’s for you. The 2006 NASIG conference will be in Denver, and the Program Planning Committee has put out a call for proposals and ideas. If you have something to contribute to the dialog, submit your proposal today!

I hope to finish my write-up of the 2005 NASIG conference sometime soon. At least I’ve gotten through the first day of sessions!

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