
Yesterday I returned from spending the day with family to discover that I had been slammed with almost 350 comment spams from the same porn site.

Yesterday I returned from spending the day with family to discover that I had been slammed with almost 350 comment spams from the same porn site. Thankfully it was a quick fix. One entry into MT-Blacklist and I could delete the comments and rebuild the entries in just a few clicks. However, it was still frustrating to have to do this in the first place.

Last week, I discovered another MovableType plugin called CloseComments. You can set this to run everytime you re-build your main index, and it will close comments of older, inactive posts, depending on the variables you choose. I have mine set to close comments on posts older than 15 days and have been inactive for at least one day. I couldn’t get this to work at first, and last night gave me the motivation to figure it out.

The reason why it wasn’t working was that the database behind this blog was in the Berkeley DB format, and not the required SQL format. I didn’t know that there was an easy way to convert them until I did a few Google searches. I did the conversion process last night and in a few days, CloseComments should be doing its thing. Combine this with MT-Blacklist, and you’ll end up with very little comment spam.

Update 7/6/04: Make sure to check MT-Blacklist after the conversion process. I discovered this morning that my blacklist settings had been reset.

more comment spam

Trying to turn off commenting for older posts with tools that are not user-friendly.

I’ve been getting frequently hit by comment spam lately, and it’s really getting on my nerves. The comment spammers are finding new ways to get around MT-Blacklist just as soon as we find ways to block them. I refuse to turn off the commenting option, but I have started turning off comments for older entries that get hit with comment spam. There is a MovableType plugin that closes comments for older posts, but I’m not sure I have everything I need to run it. This plugin requires SQL, and my hosting company provides MySQL for five databases, but I don’t know anything about administering those databases or what they are. I’m guessing that it means I can create and run five MySQL databases. The support documentation for MTCloseComments is typical of most MovableType documentation — it assumes I know how to fill in the spaces between the lines. I suppose that all I can do is give it a try and hope that it works and nothing is broken if it doesn’t.

speaking of douche bags…

Impolite behavior in the virtual community.

Yesterday, some un-named asshole left a very vulgar comment on my post about the suckage of politics. I deleted the comment and put him on my blacklist as soon as I saw it. I don’t know who it was or why they found that post, but it pissed me off. I dare that asshole to say something like that to my face. I’ll be s/he wouldn’t. As Karen noted last week, it’s a whole lot easier to be nasty to other people in the virtual community than it is in Real Life™.

what’s wrong with a little enthusiasm?

Rory Litwin thinks blogs are over-rated.

Rory Litwin has some pretty harsh words about librarians who are still excited about the web and new web-related technologies in the latest issue of Library Juice. I’m beginning to suspect that he likes picking virtual fights.

“As an example I would like to cite the blogging craze – and it is a craze in its current form – because so many people, librarians included, have started their own blogs for no discernible reason and through blogs have renewed their irrational excitement about the Web in general.”

This statement might very well apply to my blog, since I don’t have any particular focus other than my own interests. Possibly, my comments would be better served in the form of a private off-line journal, or as email messages sent to certain friends. However, in the past year I have approached my blog with the mentality of being a part of a wider community of my peers, much like the way other scholarly communication has been done for centuries. I don’t think I’ve gotten to the point where my little essays and opinions will be quoted and passed around, but I’m working my way there. I see this as a tool to contribute to the wider conversation in the profession.

There are other blogs that are more focused and in many ways are the best supplements to officially recognized professional literature that I have found. Jessamyn West and the LISNews collaborative blog are my two main sources of recent news about library-related issues. I’m finding out about things well before they show up in any of the traditionally recognized mediums. Jenny Levine and Sarah Houghton keep me up to speed on the latest technology that may impact my work. Half the stuff they write about will likely never show up in the professional literature, even if it should.

There are other blogs out there that are less insightful or informative than those I mentioned above. In fact, as was the case when personal web pages were the new fad, there are quite a few blogs out there that are little more than public diaries. However, I think that Litwin is throwing the baby out with the bath water when he chastises librarians for their excitement about the blog medium.

“Many people are now using the blog format where a chronological organization is not appropriate to the content they are putting up, for no other reason than that blogs are hot and there are services supporting them. This is irrational. I feel that librarians should be a little more mature and less inclined to fall for Internet crazes like this. That is not to say that a blog is never a useful thing, only that blogs – as everything on the web – should be seen for what they are and not in terms of a pre-existing enthusiasm.”

As with any new toy, eventually the shine will wear off and those folks will realize that the blog medium, regardless of its simplicity or fashion, does not fit their needs. Since Litwin does not provide specific examples of these inappropriate uses of blogs, I cannot address them. My experience with librarian blogs has been such that the chronological format works well. There is only one instance that I know of in which the blog format may not fit. The reference team at my library has replaced their frequently asked questions notebook and miscellaneous announcements notes with a Blogger weblog. The advantage of this format is that the contents are easily searchable. The disadvantage is that several workarounds have been used to organize the entries. I suspect that what they really need is a blog for the announcement bits and a separate wiki for the “this is a good resource for (fill in the blank)” type entries. I am confident that eventually they will move on to some other format that better serves their needs, and in the meantime, they will have become familiar with yet another piece of modern technology.

Quite a few of the new blogs that are created daily by librarians never make it out of their infancy. For the most part, they’re too busy or uninterested or have nothing to write about. Still, I think it’s important for librarians to try new things, and if blogs are the latest internet fad, then at least librarians should play with them long enough to evaluate them. My first blog was called “because everyone else is doing it” and was basically a public forum for occasional rants, links, commentary, and some library-related information. It was a good experiment, and as I became more familiar with the tools, I began to see other uses for blogs. The chronological format works well for my radio playlists.

Blogs introduced me to RSS feeds, and from there I have been thinking of several different ways librarians could use RSS. It even instilled a desire to learn Perl and PHP so that I could know enough coding to hack a feed of our new acquisitions as they are added to the collection. If we’re going to put up new book lists, then why not also make a feed for them? The University of Louisville Library not only provides RSS feeds for their new books, they also have subject-specific feeds. Soon it may be possible to create feeds from saved searches in the catalog, much like what some online news sources provide. Those feeds would be even more specific and would alert faculty, graduate students, or anyone else interested, when new items are cataloged that fit the search terms. I digress.

All this is to say that weblogs are useful, and that librarians should be savvy enough to know when and where to make use of them. We all aren’t permanently dazzled by new shiny toys.

I look forward to reading responses to Litwin’s essay in the librarian blogosphere.


BlogShares – virtual trading on the value of blogs.

Steven posted about Blogshares yesterday. I had no idea that this thing existed. I was quite surprised to see that my blog is already listed, and that a few people have purchased shares. Pretty nifty.

One thing I’m surprised he didn’t mention is that there are a variety of RSS feeds, including feeds for your own portfolio, if you join up. This can be handy for keeping tabs on the “value” of your blog, since you get 1000 shares in it automatically as soon as you claim the blog.

watch what you write

Who is reading your blog?

An employee a Harvard has been fired due to comments she posted on her personal blog about her supervisors and co-workers.

Burch said that the weblog did not affect her job performance in any negative way.

“Most of it is total heat of the moment stuff,” said Burch. “I’m not dangerous and I don’t wish anyone harm or malice and I don’t even dislike anybody. I just had momentary frustration and the blog was a good way to get it out so I can get on with things.”

The moral of the story is that you don’t post anything in a public space that you wouldn’t want someone else to read, particularly if it involves physical threats and your workplace.

I’m amazed whenever I get a comment or a response to something I have posted here, more so when it’s from someone I don’t know. Besides being generally laid back about my workplace, I wouldn’t even think to publish something negative. While this is my personal space to write, I look at it as a constantly shifting environment that includes both personal and professional elements.


Bloggers with official press credentials covering the Democratic National Convention.

Back in February, I wrote, “Perhaps the very nature of blogging is reactive, and those that have made it proactive have moved from blogging to…. what would something proactive be called? Journalism? Something else?” It seems that for some, it may very well be journalism, or at least an amateur version of it. This week, the Boston Globe published an article that focuses on bloggers who have applied for press credentials for the Democratic National Convention. The DNC has said they will give some of the 15,000 press credentials to bloggers who apply. No word yet on whether or not the Republican National Convention will do the same. The deadline to apply for press credentials is May 28, 2004.

Ben, I think you should go for it!

not much to say

I’m busy – come back in a week.

For the past two weeks, I’ve been concienciously avoiding many of the online distractions I usually frequent, such as an IRC channel, the LISNews community, and various other websites. I’m behind on a number of projects at work (where it was easy to justify an hour of LISNews reading) and I’m moving to a new location outside of town on Friday. I need to catch up on my work because there are a number of projects I’d like to get started on that I can’t until I finish the ones I am working on already. Also, I only have my bedroom and bathroom packed – there’s still the living room with all my books, CDs, and random trinkets, as well as the kitchen to do. Plus I have a stack of CDs to review for the radio that I have been putting off for a couple of weeks. Not to mention various engagements that I’d rather not break. When did my life get so busy that I have to make time at 11pm to read a book and relax?

All of this is to explain why I’ve been even less visible out there online than usual. Not that I post much here, but I felt like I needed to at least let folks know that I’m still alive. Also, I needed to publicly whine a bit.

who said it first?

Popular bloggers or plagiarizers? You decide.

Wired magazine has an article about the infection rate of weblogs. They looked at the sources of information for popular blogs and found that in many cases, less popular blogs were the first sources, and often the more popular blogs did not cite their sources.

“The most-read webloggers aren’t necessarily the ones with the most original ideas, say researchers at Hewlett-Packard Labs.”

We need to get some librarians out there to teach people how to do proper citations. This story reminded me of a professor I spoke with recently who had his class re-do a one page issue paper assignment because half of them had blatantly plagiarized (i.e. cut and paste entire paragraphs from the web). Most of them had no idea that what they did was wrong.
