BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour! Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are … Continue reading “what i’ve been reading”
BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour!
Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are blogging also, which makes me happy. Agent Splat (aka Marc) is a volunteer for an EMT in Wisconsin, and Idiot from Iowa (aka Chad) is a high school student in Iowa and is the only blogger I’ve read who wrote an entire entry in haiku.