one more

Another Georger started his own blog last night, too! Pedro (aka Peter) has been reading Chad’s blog and was so impressed by it that he decided to make his own. I look forward to seeing what he does with it.

Another Georger started his own blog last night, too! Pedro (aka Peter) has been reading Chad’s blog and was so impressed by it that he decided to make his own. I look forward to seeing what he does with it.

what i’ve been reading

BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour! Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are … Continue reading “what i’ve been reading”

BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour!

Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are blogging also, which makes me happy. Agent Splat (aka Marc) is a volunteer for an EMT in Wisconsin, and Idiot from Iowa (aka Chad) is a high school student in Iowa and is the only blogger I’ve read who wrote an entire entry in haiku.
