book swap/sale

I’ve been complaining for years about how many books I have piled up in my house that I haven’t read yet. Well, in preparation for moving across town to a new apartment, I’ve pulled out a bunch of them that I’ve decided I can re-acquire or borrow if/when I get around to reading them. Please do me a favor and take some off of my hands!

The books I have for trade are listed on PaperBackSwap, so they’re only available in the US. I thought about listing them on BookMooch, which is international, but I have a pile of credits over there and almost never get a book coming to me, whereas with PBS, I seem to have more luck.

The books I have for sale are listed on Half and Amazon, but you’ll get a better deal by purchasing them through Half. Two reasons: I priced them lower there because I get about $0.50 more per book due to different fee structures, and you save on shipping if you buy more than one, which Amazon does not do.

Finally, I have some BookCrossing books that I need to, um, bookcross. If you’d like any of them, please let me know and maybe we can work something out.

ex libris

I finally read Anne Fadiman’s book Ex Libris this weekend. It has been on my wishlist for a year and on my bookshelf for about six months. It’s a slim paperback of 162 pages, but like most non-fiction, it took me three sittings to make my way through it. Most of the essays come from … Continue reading “ex libris”

I finally read Anne Fadiman’s book Ex Libris this weekend. It has been on my wishlist for a year and on my bookshelf for about six months. It’s a slim paperback of 162 pages, but like most non-fiction, it took me three sittings to make my way through it. Most of the essays come from her column “The Common Reader” in the Library of Congress’ publication Civilization, and they are personal stories about her experiences with books and reading.

Continue reading “ex libris”

browser history meme

Oh, why not…

Oh, why not…

A = Amazon
B = BookCrossing
C = Comics
D = Data Swets Connect
E = eclectic librarian dot net
F = Fasola – Sacred Harp and Shape Note singing
G = Gmail – anyone want an account?
H = Half
I = Indigo Girls
J = University of Chicago Press Journals Division
K = Lexington Herald-Leader
L = MPOW (to borrow an acronym from Karen)
M = Meetup
O = Online Northwest 2005
P = Powells
Q = Quickcare
R = Rate Your Music Knowledge Base
S = SF-Books
T = The Breast Cancer Site
U = User Friendly
V = VALISblog
W = Where’s George?
X = GeoCaching WA
Y = Academic Cartoon of the Day
Z = USPS Zip Code Lookup

Wow! Something for every letter!

what i’ve been reading

BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour! Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are … Continue reading “what i’ve been reading”

BookCrossing got a mention on on Thursday. I know quite a few librarians are BookCrossers, but I hope this encourages more to join in on the fun. As for LISNews — I can’t figure out how Blake has time to be posting several stories an hour!

Two of my e-friends from Where’s George? are blogging also, which makes me happy. Agent Splat (aka Marc) is a volunteer for an EMT in Wisconsin, and Idiot from Iowa (aka Chad) is a high school student in Iowa and is the only blogger I’ve read who wrote an entire entry in haiku.

swap a book

The United Kingdom celebrated Swap A Book Day last Friday.

The United Kingdom celebrated Swap A Book Day last Friday. According to this article in the Guardian, there are over 879 million illiterate adults in the world.

“It’s about creating role models and an atmosphere in which reading is seen as normal. That helps those who can’t read as much as people who can but don’t.” – Sue Williams, family learning tutor at Wigan and Leigh College

I was reminded of I’ve been leaving books here and there after registering them with BookCrossing for the past couple of months. I’m not sure if they’re getting read, since so far, no one has registered them, but usually when I come back to where I left them, they’re gone. It gives me a little hope to think that someone took the book and will read it.

books & money

I finally went and registered at BookCrossing. It is difficult to think of parting with a book, but I do have several that were either well-meaning gifts or bad selections that would happily find new homes. Now I just need to think of where I could leave them to be found. Yesterday was a good … Continue reading “books & money”

I finally went and registered at BookCrossing. It is difficult to think of parting with a book, but I do have several that were either well-meaning gifts or bad selections that would happily find new homes. Now I just need to think of where I could leave them to be found.

Yesterday was a good Where’s George? day. My profile spent most of the day on the top ten most viewed profile list, and I got my first hit in Maine!
