happy new year!

Resolutions, shmezolutions.

I’ve given some thought to new year resolutions this year, and I’m not sure if I want to bother with resolving to do something. So, here are a list of things I’d like to accomplish, but I do not intend to be crushed if they don’t happen.

1. Keep a written list of books I read in 2005. I’d like to know just how much reading I’m doing, and what it is that I’m reading.

2. Get into some sort of regular work-out routine.

3. Be able to hike all 1400 feet elevation change to the top of Manastash Ridge by the end of summer. This is related to #2. I’m really out of shape for Washington hiking, despite all of the hiking I did in Kentucky.

4. Write an article for publication. I have a few ideas in mind already.

5. Pay off my credit cards. This one may happen by August, if all goes well.

6. Buy some furnature. A comfy chair and a bed frame for starters, with more to come. Maybe a futon for the guest room.

That’s all for now.

happy new year!

I have been here, there, and everywhere these past few weeks, but now that I’m back home and starting to get settled in, it’s about time I did something with this weblog. The year 2002 has come and gone, and now it’s time for everyone to get a new calendar for 2003. I have an … Continue reading “happy new year!”

I have been here, there, and everywhere these past few weeks, but now that I’m back home and starting to get settled in, it’s about time I did something with this weblog.

The year 2002 has come and gone, and now it’s time for everyone to get a new calendar for 2003. I have an idea of what might be hanging on the walls of bibliophiles in Ocean County (NJ)…

Speaking of librarians, one of my favorite librarian webloggers (Jessamyn West) has created five technically legal signs to hang in your library now that the Patriot Act has stripped away patron privacy.

Some creative soul has put together a poignant flash animation regarding the aforementioned Patriot Act and other similar measures being taking by the current administration under the umbrella of national security. Oh, and take note of the URL. I think it’s rather amusing.

Speaking of the current administration, here’s a list of the twenty most annoying “conservatives” of 2002. The comments at the bottom are interesting, if a bit peevish. Looks like word got out to the “conservatives” about this list and they came whining.

One of my colleagues directed me to a website yesterday that contains information and images from an art exhibit currently being shown in Chicago. The basic theme of the show is that the art is “on the legal fringes of intellectual property.”
