I’ve given some thought to new year resolutions this year, and I’m not sure if I want to bother with resolving to do something. So, here are a list of things I’d like to accomplish, but I do not intend to be crushed if they don’t happen.
1. Keep a written list of books I read in 2005. I’d like to know just how much reading I’m doing, and what it is that I’m reading.
2. Get into some sort of regular work-out routine.
3. Be able to hike all 1400 feet elevation change to the top of Manastash Ridge by the end of summer. This is related to #2. I’m really out of shape for Washington hiking, despite all of the hiking I did in Kentucky.
4. Write an article for publication. I have a few ideas in mind already.
5. Pay off my credit cards. This one may happen by August, if all goes well.
6. Buy some furnature. A comfy chair and a bed frame for starters, with more to come. Maybe a futon for the guest room.
That’s all for now.