global war on weather

When the news out of the Gulf Coast gets to be too much, have a laugh. Giblets has heard a whole lotta whining this week about “oh the government screwed up the hurricane rescue” and “oh they did not evacuate the city for days and days” and “oh they should have spent money to build … Continue reading “global war on weather”

When the news out of the Gulf Coast gets to be too much, have a laugh.

Giblets has heard a whole lotta whining this week about “oh the government screwed up the hurricane rescue” and “oh they did not evacuate the city for days and days” and “oh they should have spent money to build up the dams and levees and kept FEMA funded and sent in military and national guard people with food and water right away so thousands of people would not starve to death.” Well that just sounds like a great idea – for a bunch of namby-pamby hurricane-lovers! Oh, let’s cower behind our great big levees and hope the rescue crews save us from the big mean storm – instead of taking the fight to very clouds of terror themselves!

This is a Global War on Weather and like any successful war it can’t be won on the defensive. If we spend all our time reacting to hurricanes instead of attacking them where they live, we will only embolden further hurricanes! The only language hurricanes understand is force – and possibly hurricanese, which is difficult to learn and involves the use of many glottal stops. We must fight nature where it lives so it can’t fight us at home!
