comment spam

Ugh. My blog comments were spammed while I was out of town this past week. The only way I’ve found to really prevent this from happening is to block all comments, which I do not want to do. Any other suggestions besides IP banning (which I’ve already done) will be very welcome.

Ugh. My blog comments were spammed while I was out of town this past week. The only way I’ve found to really prevent this from happening is to block all comments, which I do not want to do. Any other suggestions besides IP banning (which I’ve already done) will be very welcome.

4 thoughts on “comment spam”

  1. I found another long-winded rant down the list with many comments by those who relate. It must be getting really bad this week. Everyone gets email spam, telemarketer calls, junk mail, junk faxes, and now comment spam. The world is coming to a direct marketing end.

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