culture of lesbianism

I’ve been reading the Blog of a Bookslut for a few months now, and aside from getting news and brief commentary on book-related things, I am also greatly amused by Jessica’s and Michael’s slightly snarky take on it all. Here is Michael’s response to an interview with Edward Klein, the author of “The Truth About … Continue reading “culture of lesbianism”

I’ve been reading the Blog of a Bookslut for a few months now, and aside from getting news and brief commentary on book-related things, I am also greatly amused by Jessica’s and Michael’s slightly snarky take on it all. Here is Michael’s response to an interview with Edward Klein, the author of “The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President“:

“The culture of lesbianism”? Is Klein afraid that a President Hillary Clinton would name the Indigo Girls to the Supreme Court, or replace the tee ball games on the White House lawn with field hockey? Shit, I’d welcome a president from the “culture of lesbianism.” You could get away with wearing hiking boots to even the most formal of events.

bipartisan support for clinton?

Hillary Clinton 2008?

A friend passed along this joke about a bumper sticker popular with both major political parties. I had to chuckle.

I’m torn between wanting to support a woman running for the office of the President, and my general dislike for Hillary Clinton personally. Is she the only Democratic woman that the party can support?

dean for dnc

Nominate Howard Dean for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee!

Nominate Howard Dean for Chairman of the Democratic National Committee!

We the people of the Democratic Party of the United States of America and/or members of Democracy For America and it’s state groups do herby advocate for the election of Howard Dean to the position of Chairman of the Democratic National Commitee.

deaniacs today

NPR talks to Deaniacs in the Baltimore area.

NPR also had a piece by Linda Wertheimer on Deaniacs and their thoughts and opinions on the presidential race a few months after Dean has dropped out. Yes, we are still meeting up every month. Yes, we are still very active in changing American politics from the grassroots level on up. You can join us if you want to help make change happen.

republicanism shown to be genetic in origin

This was forwarded to me by email. I have not been able to locate the source. If you know the source, please leave that information in the comments.

UPDATE 3/15/04: I have deleted comments attached to this entry, as well as turning off that option for this entry. The comments had quickly become personal attacks against me and others who had commented. It was clearly apparent from those commenting that they didn’t grasp the satirical nature of this piece. For those who are still scratching their heads, try replacing “Republican” with “homosexual” and the characteristics, etc.

This was forwarded to me by email. I have not been able to locate the source. If you know the source, please leave that information in the comments.

Scientists in the current issue of the journal NURTURE announced the discovery that affiliation with the Republican Party is genetically determined. This caused uproar among traditionalists who believe it is a chosen lifestyle. Reports of the gene coding for political conservatism, discovered after a decades-long study of quintuplets in Orange County, CA, has sent shock waves through the medical, political, and golfing communities.

Continue reading “republicanism shown to be genetic in origin”

Kentuckians vote

I voted today.

I voted this morning in the special election for Kentucky’s 6th district Congressional Representative. I hope that there is a good turnout both here and in Wisconsin, where they are voting in the Democrat primary. I hate that the leaders of this nation are usually decided by a minority of citizens.

dean in 2004

I’m going to vote for Dean.

I went to a Dean Meetup last night for the first time. I’ve been leaning towards him for a while now, and it was the final thing to make me decide that he is not only the candidate I will vote for in the Kentucky primaries, but also someone I am willing to volunteer to help. I wrote two letters last night – one to a woman in Iowa and the other to a man in New Mexico urging them to attend their caucuses and vote for Dean if they are so led. It felt good to do something that is grassroots political. I have been a registered Independent for many years (previously a registered Republican), but this past fall, when I moved to a new county, I registered as a Democrat. For the most part, I think the Kentucky Democratic Party and the DNC are out of touch with what Democrats and Democrat-minded folks want and need. I think that Howard Dean is different and can shake things up in a way that they need to be shaken. Also, he dislikes GW as much if not more than I do, which is a big bonus in my book. I promise I won’t turn this blog into a political forum to express my personal views, but I felt like I needed to share this – particularly since I have added a Dean banner.

national library week

Premptive shredding? One library has increased the frequency that it shreds paper documents referencing patron’s use of the library resources. The FBI says that unless the material has been subpoenaed it’s not illegal, but there is a hit of an underlying “yet” to that statement. Florida State Congress has decided to save the state library. … Continue reading “national library week”

Premptive shredding? One library has increased the frequency that it shreds paper documents referencing patron’s use of the library resources. The FBI says that unless the material has been subpoenaed it’s not illegal, but there is a hit of an underlying “yet” to that statement.

Florida State Congress has decided to save the state library. I guess ol’ Jeb won’t be able to hide too many future documents of shady politics. There goes part of Karl Rove‘s plans for the 2004 presidential election… [thanks Bonster]
