nasig day 3 & 4

I ended up having only one more chance to get online while at the conference, and that was during the closing session at Centennial Hall. It didn’t seem to be appropriate to blog while listening to the final vision session, so I decided to wait until I returned home.

I ended up having only one more chance to get online while at the conference, and that was during the closing session at Centennial Hall. It didn’t seem to be appropriate to blog while listening to the final vision session, so I decided to wait until I returned home.

Continue reading “nasig day 3 & 4”

nasig day 1 & 2

This is my first attempt at a conference blog, but I couldn’t come to NASIG this year with my brand new wi-fi enabled laptop and not blog something while here. I hope to blog again tomorrow, but that will depend on whether or not I manage to get away for an hour or so. It’s a lengthy entry.

This is my first attempt at a conference blog, but I couldn’t come to NASIG this year with my brand new wi-fi enabled laptop and not blog something while here. I hope to blog again tomorrow, but that will depend on whether or not I manage to get away for an hour or so. It’s a lengthy entry.

Continue reading “nasig day 1 & 2”

library: an unquiet history

I’ve just started reading Matthew Battles’ book “Library: an Unquiet History.” I’ll be leading a lunch discussion of the book and the vision session interview with the author at the NASIG 2004.

I’ve just started reading Matthew Battles’ book Library: an Unquiet History. I’ll be leading a lunch discussion of the book and the vision session interview with the author at NASIG 2004. Jessamyn recommended this book in January, and it’s been on my wish-list ever since. However, I haven’t been buying new books until I read the ones I already own. I made an exception for this one, since I was kindly asked by my friend and NASIG Program Planning Committee co-chair to volunteer to lead the lunch connection discussion. I’m curious to read what he has to say about serials and electronic resources. At least, I assume he has something to say about them. Otherwise, it would seem rather odd that one of the main conference sessions is devoted to a conversation with him.
